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doctor looking at brain analysis on a computerWelcome to the New Tucson Biofeedback:

Test, don’t Guess! A Deeper, Data-Driven Approach to Wellness, Healing and Transformation

Why This Matters: A Story

Storytime ........ "Was he just working too hard? Run down? That’s what friends and family guessed. But Ayal sensed there was something more behind why he felt so awful back in 2001. He opted for every test: heart, blood, you name it. It was all inconclusive – no answers, no diagnosis. Then six months later, he woke up to find the entire right side of his body numb. He couldn’t move it.

The diagnosis? Late stage non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Ayal had an aggressive, almost-softball-sized tumor pushing against his heart. In fact, 30% of his heart had already collapsed. With a heart so weak, no one would recommend chemo. They said his heart simply couldn’t take it. But purely palliative care was unacceptable to Ayal, so he found another doctor who worked out an ultimately effective, though vicious, drug cocktail for him.

After the harsh and painful experience of living in the hospital for 12 months followed by 6 months of radiation, Ayal survived. He saw it as a miracle. He was grateful, relieved…and also astounded and aggravated. He’d had all of the tests. He’d done everything he was supposed to, everything he could. And no one saw the problem until it was almost too late. He thought: If that is what money can buy, what the best healthcare can offer… then we need another way to support our wellness and healthcare. A way to communicate with our body and our intuitive knowing."

Enter: Tucson Biofeedback.

Why the Shift?

After 12 years of guiding clients through complex health challenges, Tucson Biofeedback is evolving into something deeper—a comprehensive testing and concierge wellness center and using the latest non-invasive technology to provide a more precise, data-driven approach to healing.

Have you ever found yourself bouncing from doctor to doctor, clinic to clinic, trying to figure out what’s wrong, only to leave more confused and worried? I know so many who’ve spent $10k, $40k, or more at places like Amen Clinics, Mayo Clinic, or other specialists, only to feel stuck, with no clear guidance on how to truly feel better. Sometimes, you’re told everything is “normal,” but you can barely make it through the day. Even alternative methods like muscle testing or functional medicine can feel incomplete—like the pieces just aren’t clicking together.

I’ve been there too. It’s what fueled my deep dive into the interconnectivity of health—a journey that saved my life when my body was rapidly declining years ago. Since then, I’ve developed a comprehensive approach for addressing complex, often misunderstood conditions. Over the years, I’ve guided hundreds of individuals through treatment programs that have not only transformed their health but achieved results that were once considered 'impossible' by the conventional medical system.

But recently, something changed....

💔 When my beloved Soul Dog, Pepe unexpectedly passed in my arms, a week shy of his 5th birthday, my world shattered. Who I was..... no longer existed, that version of me died with him. Then, when my niece was born lifeless just weeks ago, everything came to a head. Imagine if I had access to see what was happening with Pepe before it was too late, imagine if we could have gently assessed baby Amara's state.

This is why I’m making a shift—one I’ve been delaying for too long.

Our clinic has always been small-volume, focusing on personalized care. But now, we’re taking it a step further by transitioning to a selective, case-by-case model, ensuring that the clients we work with are truly ready to experience the holistic, multidimensional healing we offer.I’m in a new phase, evolving toward a vision that aligns with the future I see for all of us. This growth means my role in the world—and this transformative work—needed to evolve to meet that vision.

The Missing Link

Have you ever felt like something was just off? You’ve seen specialists, done all the tests,takenmedications or supplements—but nothing clicks. Maybe you’ve been told everything is "normal," even when you’re exhausted, foggy, and frustrated. Or you’ve dabbled in alternative approaches like muscle testing, but deep down, you sense something crucial has been missed.

It’s exhausting, isn’t it? The endless search for answers without clear solutions leaves you feeling fragmented and unheard. But what if you could finally find what’s been missing and track your journey?

At Tucson Biofeedback, we specialize in non-invasive testing that goes beyond the limitations of traditional medicine. Our technology dives deep into your body’s natural frequencies and patterns, detecting what others miss. We’ll give you the clarity and insights needed to create a roadmap for real, lasting transformation—a plan that addresses the physical, emotional, energetic, and mental layers of your well-being.


My niece, Amara Grace, was born dead. My sister was rushed into an emergency C-section, unsure if Amara would even survive. After 3 minutes of CPR she inhaled her 1st breath of life and washed into the NICU. The traditional testing kept producing mixed results, leaving doctors confused and our family on an emotional rollercoaster and constant non stop prayer. But despite everything, Amara’s resilience shone through. Her miraculous recovery re-inspired me to deepen my commitment to finding new ways to approach both the expected and unexpected in health.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

~ Albert Einstein

It’s experiences like these that drive me to ensure we have tools that don’t miss the unseen. Stories like Amara’s are reminders that life is such a Divine Gift, and even when the medical system is uncertain, the body often knows what it needs—we just need the tools to listen more closely. And that’s exactly what we’re doing here at Tucson Biofeedback, using advanced technology to unlock insights that are often missed in the traditional medical model.

What We Offer: Unlocking Your Body's Hidden Healing Potential

At the heart of our approach is a multi-layered, data-driven analysis that goes beyond what standard tests can see. We dive deep into the intricate interactions between your nervous system, cardiovascular system, brain health, emotional well-being, and energy field. Our goal is to reveal the underlying factors that are limiting your body’s natural healing capacity and create a personalized roadmap to restore balance and vitality.

Our Comprehensive Testing Includes:

  • Cortical Brain Metrics: Evaluates how well your brain is functioning on a daily basis, uncovering potential areas for improvement in focus, memory, fatigue management, and cognitive speed.
  • Brain Health: testing can detect whether your brain has been concussed, regardless of how long ago the injury occurred. By analyzing specific neurological patterns and brainwave activity, we uncover the lasting effects of past trauma that traditional methods might miss.
  • Autonomic Nervous System Analysis: Measures your body’s stress response and its ability to regulate key functions like heart rate, digestion, and immune responses, which are often linked to chronic conditions.
  • Neuro-Hormonal Insights: Provides a deep dive into your hormone balance, highlighting they could be influencing your physical, neurological and emotional well-being.
  • Psycho-Emotional State Review: Examines patterns in your emotional and psychological state, identifying how unresolved stress, trauma, or emotional conflicts might be impacting your health on a cellular and systemic level.
  • Biorhythmic Activity: Tracks your body's natural cycles—whether it’s sleep, energy levels, or hormonal rhythms—ensuring that your lifestyle is in alignment with your body’s biological clock.
  • Brain Electrical Activity: Brainwave analysis to detect imbalances in your brain’s signaling and functionality, often linked to focus issues, mood disorders, and cognitive performance.
  • Biological Age Assessment: Analyzes how well your body is aging at a cellular level compared to your actual age, offering insights into your overall health and longevity.
  • Immune System Markers: Assesses your body’s ability to defend against infections, toxins, and chronic stressors—vital to understanding how resilient your immune system truly is.
  • Meridian & Chakra Health: Balances and aligns your body’s energetic systems with its physical ones, linking your energy flow to your endocrine system and emotional well-being.
  • Multi-View Health Report: A detailed analysis of how each of these elements connects and influences one another, allowing you to see the full picture of your health.
  • Arterial Health: Evaluate your cardiovascular function to ensure your arteries and heart are performing optimally and preventing future heart-related challenges.
  • Sensitivity Assessment: In German New Medicine (GNM), sensitivities are likened to “tracks.” These layers of sensitivities intertwine with the nervous system, triggering and perpetuating health issues unless properly addressed.
  • Service Recommendations: A clear, actionable plan to optimize your health with the services and treatments best suited to your unique needs.

    And guess what? It tracks your previous scans so you can see what's working and improving, and what's not!

Finally, A Roadmap to Wellness

Your very own personalized wellness plan, tailored specifically to your health data, helping you navigate the path to lasting health and vitality.

Why This Matters:

The medical system is great at emegrency life-saving care, and at diagnosing major conditions—organ damage, degenerative diseases—but what about the subtle dysfunctions that impact your daily life? Many people spend thousands seeking answers but often end up with incomplete solutions or no guidance at all. We fill that gap, offering a roadmap that integrates every level of your well-being.

How Emotional Trauma and Health Intersect:

In German New Medicine (GNM), every disease is connected to an emotional shock or conflict that creates imprints in the brain. These imprints then communicate with the corresponding organs, leading to physical symptoms like autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, and more. Through non-invasive biofeedback testing, we can identify these emotional imprints, stored trauma, and energy blockages, offering a path to healing that’s rooted in understanding your body's stored data.

What Does This Mean for You?

With these advanced tools and a personalized health roadmap, we can fine-tune your plan every 4-6 months, keeping you aligned as the seasons of your life change. Whether you’re managing long-term health challenges or simply seeking to optimize your vitality, this approach provides the deeper insights you need for ongoing wellness.

Take the Next Step

Imagine having a precise framework that maps out your health journey with clarity and confidence. No more guessing—just clear, data-backed answers that allow you to step into a new level of well-being.

Your body holds the answers, and there's no better time to listen than now.

We can only welcome a very limited number of clients each month—so if you feel called to take this step toward deeper wellness, don’t wait. Secure your appointment today and begin the journey to understanding and aligning with your body’s true potential.

We offer two testing options to help you gain valuable insights into your health:

1. Quick Scan Biofeedback Assesment (30 minutes)– $350

In this 30-minute session, we utilize cutting-edge technology centered on advanced Heart Science and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) analysis. This sophisticated application provides a comprehensive snapshot of your:

  • Autonomic nervous system
  • Neuro-hormonal balance
  • Psycho-emotional state
  • Biorhythmic activity
  • Biological age and healing potential
  • Brain electrical activity
  • Endocrine system's meridians and chakras
  • Immune system

You'll receive a brief overview during the appointment, followed by a PDF report sent via email. This option is ideal for those who simply want to collect data but do not require guidance, interpretation, or deeper analysis. If you're seeking a more in-depth understanding and a clear, actionable path forward, our comprehensive option would be the perfect fit.

2. Full Comprehensive Testing, 2 Day Appointment – $2,200
This is more than just a test—it's an in-depth exploration of your body and mind, offering unparalleled clarity and a personalized roadmap to thriving health. In addition to everything included in the HQ Biofeedback Test, you'll receive:

  • The HQ Biofeedback Test: that includes all the above listed.
  • A brain cortical metrics test that measures 8 essential components of brain health: Speed, Focus, Fatigue, Accuracy, Sequencing, Timing Perception, Plasticity, and Connectivity.
  • An overall Neurological Fitness Score (your brain’s performance baseline).
  • The Biofeedback Health Report bringing in an additinal viewpoint for us to develope a targeted Roadmap to Wellness for you.
  • Reports: Detailed, easy-to-understand reports that not only highlight your current health but also uncover the potential waiting to be unlocked.
  • ROF Call: this call will go over the patterns and presentaitons of your reports an scans helping you connect dots on what is going on now.
  • Customized Wellness Plan: this is customized to you based on your data, health history and goals.

What sets this apart is the Report of Findings call, where we walk you through your results, giving you a complete picture of where you are and, more importantly, where you can go. You'll also receive a fully tailored Roadmap to Wellness, crafted specifically for you—your unique history, challenges, and goals.

Each follow-up retest allows you to track meaningful progress and see real, tangible improvements, offering confidence and assurance that you’re on the right path. It is suggested to book the comprehensive Analysis every 4-6 months to stay on top of your Health. This is not just a test; it’s a personalized journey designed to unlock your fullest potential and help you live a healthier, more vibrant life.

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