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Dr. Anna Blessing, Sedona Arizona, Dr. Anna Blessing reviews, tucsonbiofeedback


I’m Dr. Anna Blessing, and my journey to healing began much earlier than most realize. As a child, I was consumed by fear—fear of global disasters, illness, and the unknown. The fear-based propaganda from the news led me to severe insomnia that plagued me for over two decades. Regaining deep, restorative sleep is a gift I still give thanks for every day.

Childhood Trauma and Repressed Memories

At the age of 5 or 6, I experienced traumatic events inflicted by a family from our local church, which I wouldn’t fully remember or understand until years later. These traumas resurfaced six years later when my brother spoke up, unlocking repressed memories. The emotional and mental fallout included Trichotillomania, where I pulled out my eyelashes.

The Onset of Health Struggles

Despite these challenges, I thrived academically and athletically, starting college at 16. Yet, my physical symptoms intensified: migraines, chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, ADHD-like symptoms, and later, MCAS/POTS symptoms. Doctors prescribed medications that masked the symptoms but never addressed the cause.

This frustration sparked my curiosity and belief that our bodies are meant to heal, not suffer. In 2008, I discovered structured water and frequency technology, and everything shifted. That was the beginning of my journey toward understanding the interconnectedness of mind, body, spirit, and emotions.

A Journey of Healing and Transformation

My health took a dramatic turn for the better, restoring my energy and clearing years of brain fog. I resumed my education, achieving goals I had set as a 14-year-old, including earning my Masters and PhD. I recently found a list from my teenage years outlining these goals, and by 33, I had accomplished them all—proof of the power of manifestation.

My Unique Approach to Healing

In many ways, I felt like an explorer in a jungle, carving out a path where none existed. As a Projector 1/3 in Human Design, I have a God-given gift for seeing holistic connections and finding solutions that others miss. My work at Tucson Biofeedback and in private practice has condensed decades of learning and experience into months for those ready to heal. I have answered the Divine Call on my life and am using the Gifts that God has blessed me with to serve and support others in reclaiming their health, life and Divine Purpose.

Living free from intrusive thoughts, chronic exhaustion, and nervous system dysregulation is more than a relief—it’s a miracle. Thanks to SET Biofeedback, FSM, LENS, and the other treatments we offer, I now experience vibrant health. My severe food and environmental sensitivities have lifted, allowing me to live freely.

Emotional and Spiritual Healing

While my physical healing was profound, the real transformation came from the emotional, spiritual, and subconscious healing that followed. It shifted me from merely surviving to thriving, aligned with my divine path and purpose. This kind of transformation is priceless, and it’s available to anyone willing to embrace their role in the grand design of life.

Expertise Rooted in Experience

With over 10,000 hours of research and application and well over $300,000 invested in technology, training and R&D, I’ve reached the threshold of expertise in Frequency Medicine. Through mentorship and access to centuries-old sacred knowledge, I’ve studied the pioneers of this field, uncovering thousands of cases of miraculous healings. This knowledge remains sacred and is shared selectively with those ready to embrace it.

Your Invitation to Transform

The number of people who have experienced this level of healing and transformation continues to grow, both locally and internationally, through our work at Tucson Biofeedback.

If you’re ready to be among the thousands who have found their healing miracle, I invite you to take the first step. Book an appointment and let’s begin your journey to wellness.

With love and blessings,
Dr. Anna Blessing